SFIA Organisation design and implementation ORDI

This page provides deep dive guidance and additional material to help individuals and organisations use and apply this SFIA skill effectively. It supplements the SFIA reference material.

SFIA skill definition

SFIA v6 definition of Organisation design and implementation

The design and implementation of an integrated organisation structure, role profiles, culture, performance measurements, competencies and skills, to facilitate strategies for change and for training to enable the change. The identification of key attributes of the culture and the key principles and factors for addressing location strategy.

© Copyright SFIA Foundation

Discussion points

Associated Skills

If you are looking for skills relating to:

Useful Resources

9780415634625.jpg Organization Design: Engaging with Change by Naomi Stanford how to (re-)design the organizational system in order to increase productivity, performance and value; providing the knowledge and methodology to design an agile organization capable of handling the kind of continuous organizational change that all businesses face. The book clarifies why and how organizations need to be in a state of readiness to design or redesign and emphasizes that people as well as business processes must be part of design considerations.

Typically found in these Career Families / Roles

Value Adding Work Outputs

By focusing on work outputs/work products we can move the focus from activity/knowledge to performance and provide a direct link to business results. See 6 boxes model.


